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Maribor - Pohorje


About Project:

Maribor & Film



How and when does it happen for spark to ignite the fire of love, love for  the pictures that move across the screen? For Maribor, it all began in october of 1896, when the first traveling cinema came to town. The novelty of moving pictures quickly gained popularity amongst the citizens, yet for long time it existed  mainly on the consumer, not creative  level. Industry was the driving force of success and the city was expected to better serve the industrial needs of the country  than deal with this new, seventh form of art.

In spite of that, the film in Maribor remained to be cherished by both: ordinary people who watched the movies and real enthusiasts who took their cameras and filmed, organized, sacrifised. Just like the members of Film and video club Maribor, who are doing this for almost five decades now. And as  the time was passing by, film professionals started to emerge, using their creativity to make a living. Consequently, the movies were filmed, non-profit and for-profit film organisations were established.

But we are not interested only about the past here. The rise of film in Maribor is still an ongoing process, happening even on this very moment. And you can be a part of it!

Project EUROSCREEN is co-financed by the EU 


Nosilec projekta: Film London Ltd. (Velika Britanija)

Partnerji: Apulia Film Commission (Italija), Bucharest-Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romunija), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit (Malta), Rzeszow Regional Development Agency S.A. (Poljska), Municipality of Ystad (Švedska), Local Public Agency for Economic Development in Malaga (Estonija), Lund University, Department of Service Management (Švedska).

Trajanje projekta: januar 2012 – december 2014

Projekt je namenjen spodbujanju ekonomskega vpliva filmske industrije na razvoj turizma v posameznih regijah. Krepitev sodelovanja med ključnimi predstavniki obeh sektorjev ter izboljšanje obstoječih politik je osnovni pogoj za izboljšanje stanja na področju turizma.

Projekt je namenjen institucijam javnega prava, katerih naloga je razvoj lokalnih in regionalnih politik usmerjenih k spodbujanju razvoja podjetništva ter izboljšanja splošnega gospodarskega stanja. Na drugi strani želi projekt spodbuditi sodelovanje med gospodarskimi subjekti iz obeh sektorjev ter razvoj inovativnih storitev, ki koristijo kulturno bogastvo in raznolikost posameznih regij.


V okviru projekta bo najprej izdelana analiza stanja ter identifikacija primerov dobrih praks. Poleg različnih izobraževalnih dogodkov, bo parterjem na voljo možnost izmenjave osebja, na podlagi katere bodo pridobili tudi praktične izkušnje in znanja. Identificirani primeri dobrih praks bodo v okviru pilotnih primerov preneseni v regije, kjer možnosti povezovanja filmske industrije in turizma še niso v celoti izkoriščene. Regionalne institucije bodo redno obveščene o izvajanju projekta in možnostih sodelovanja ter oblikovanja razvojnih strategij in akcijskih načrtov.

© 2014 Maribor Development Agency

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